Picture Day

*Order forms were sent home with students the week of March 10th*

Picture ID for Ordering Pictures
Spring pictures for grades K-4 Picture Day ID: EVTHDNXTT
Culmination pictures for 5th grade students Culmination Picture: EVT3H9TM4
Panoramic pictures for 5th grade students Panoramic Picture: MH014427T0

Spring pictures are only for Kindergarten through 4th grade students.  5th grade students will be taking Culmination Pictures separately the same day.  If you would like your 5th grade child to also have spring pictures taken, please email us at [email protected] for accommodations.

Please be sure to have your child at school ON TIME and in dressy attire on picture day!
ALL 5TH GRADE STUDENTS will be photographed.  No matter how dressed up you get, don't forget to wear shoes appropriate for playing on the yard.