About » Fun Beyond the Classroom

Fun Beyond the Classroom

Fun Beyond the Classroom - Vintage provides a variety of activities outside the classroom for students to participate. Contact the office or staff sponsor for start up date.

VEX Robotics Teams

Each year, students in grades 4 and 5 join our VEX Robotics Teams taught by Mr. Edwin Nolasco and Parent Coaches.  Students learn how to collaborate, design, build, program, and create.  Each year, there is a new challenge that they will need to design and build their robots for completing the challenge.  This year's challenge is Slapshot | 2022 - 2023 Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF3I8FscrKo
We have formed teams and look forward to our students success in our Vintage League, Tournaments, and hopefully another trip to the World's Championship in Dallas, TX.

Student Council

Student Council is a service opportunity open to 3rd, 4th , and 5th graders at Vintage. Each upper grade class nominates two classroom representatives. Then the representatives have a chance to run for an office with students making posters and giving speeches. Elections are held allowing student body to vote. The student council offices include Student Council President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. This year we hope to revive the Pillars of Character at Vintage and have a positive impact on our community. Student representatives will meet monthly to plan and organize theme days and set up fundraisers to help meet these goals. If there are any questions, or you would like to help with Student Council feel free to contact staff sponsor - Mrs. Maar - [email protected].

Student Librarians

Each year Vintasge's Librarian works with 5th graders training them as student librarians.  Students apply, as if for a real job. The job includes working one day a week at recess in the library and also with special events such as author visits, book fairs and Read Across America. Students learn a variety of library related tasks, as well as how to help their fellow students to find books of interest.

Student Recess Helpers - Play Leaders, Bathroom Monitors, Hall Monitors

The Student Recess Helpers are a volunteer core of fourth and fifth grade students who take on the responsibility of helping the younger students learn to play on the yard responsibly and safely.  They play with the students, eat with them, teach them the rules of the common areas of Vintage, and help them navigate through the campus during recess and lunch outside the structure of the classroom.  They form friendships with and provide excellent examples for the first and second graders at Vintage, often helping them work through problems and develop problem solving skills.  These jobs are strictly voluntary, so all who wish to participate in this program are welcomed.  We currently have 164 Playleaders!

Student Techies on Patrol (STOP) Group

Our vision is to create a team of dedicated fourth and fifth grade students who are interested in technology and want to contribute to the continuous improvement of technology at Vintage Magnet School.  

This program seeks to increase students’ self esteem and technology knowledge by actively involving them in supporting the school in the area of technology.  The program will result in an increase in the number of people in the school population who are knowledgeable about technical support of the school’s hardware and software.  Two students from each fourth and fifth grade classroom are selected by their teachers to be the classroom S.T.O.P. participants.  These students have exhibited an interest in technology and promise to be dependable and not miss training sessions.  Training takes place once a week in Vintage’s Computer Lab or as needed. Additionally, these students have an opportunity to try out new lesson ideas or applications.

Students receive certificates from the school thanking them for their service.  Fourth graders that graduate from the S.T.O.P. program are encouraged to participate again in fifth grade.  Vintage has held this program since 2001.

Techie Tuesdays - (Bank Tuesdays from 1:38 to 2:38)

During Techie Tuesdays, students may relax after school in the Computer Lab. They may work on class projects and homework, do Internet research, surf educational web sites, and play educational software programs.  There is no need to sign up.  Parents, stop by the Computer Lab if you can't find your child on the playground.  Please note - due to popularity, we are alternating grade levels that can come to Techie Tuesday each week (i.e. 2nd and 4th or 3rd and 5th).  Check out school website to see which grade levels can come that week.


YDP - Youth Development Program  (*Note* YDP is not a homework club)

YDP is a free afterschool program from Beyond the Bell that is designed to help parents that need a program to watch their children. YDP is a program where children are divided by their grades, and are in groups of 24. They have 4 different rotations throughout the day. Homework Assistance/Enrichment/Read-A-Loud/Recreation. We also provide a supper meal so that children have something to eat during the program.

Youth Development Program is for students from grades 1-5. It is a sign in/sign out program. Its open from dismissal-6:00 pm.  The attendance is important to your child’s enrollment in the program. Students need to be there 4/5 days of the week, and stay until 5:30.

YS - Youth Services ( *NOTE* 1st grade students are not allowed to stay on the YS yard.) 

Youth Services is an afterschool program from Beyond the Bell where children can stay at their school until needed. YS has a coach that oversees the yard in the beginning of afterschool. YS plays outside, until 3:30 when they are then provided a supper meal for ANY student that stay afterschool. Students then do their homework for an hour. Finally they go back outside or go inside auditorium depending on weather.

Youth Services is a free program for students from grades 2-5. YS is open from dismissal to 6:00 pm. It is a day-day program, meaning there are no requirements to keep your child in YS. Parents need to fill out a emergency contact sheet that are handed out by the YS coach.  


Youth Services & Youth Development Program are both invited annually to play in afterschool tournament events on weekends. Students from Vintage Magnet grades 3-5 can join the Vintage Team to participate in these events. Tournaments are Flag Football, Basketball, Softball, Soccer and a Dance Team. All tournaments are a boys team and a girls team. Goals are set to promote active physical activity to all students of Vintage. Vintage sports have students play with character, sportsmanship, self discipline, and most important to play while having FUN. I

Other Programs

Through the school year, Vintage hosts outside programs such as MAD Science, Good News Club, and CHESS Edu.  Watch for flyers sent home and our school website for announcements regarding these programs.