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Welcome to Vintage Magnet

Welcome to Vintage Math, Science, and Technology Magnet School

 Welcome to Vintage Math / Science / Technology Magnet Elementary School. We are located in the North San Fernando Valley and are part of the Los Angeles Unified School District. We are a full self contained magnet school and serve approximately 800 student. in grades Kindergarten through fifth.

Vintage Magnet offers a rigorous standards based instructional program that emphasizes Math, Science and Technology. The program is designed to target students who have expressed an interest in Math, Science and Technology by integrating these subject areas throughout the curriculum. This creates a high interest program for students that helps support their academic success in all areas.

We invite you to explore our website to learn about us. Read about the latest 'News' articles. Visit 'Staff Pages' to get to know more about our staff. Use the website to keep up on what's happening on campus. Coordinate your calendar with the school's 'Calendar.' Check out the 'Weather' at Vintage.  This and much more can be found here so don't forget to bookmark our website and visit it often.

Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) instruction is supported through various resources on the campus. Students visit a science lab and a computer lab. These labs are staffed with assistants who work with teachers to prepare hands-on and project based lessons. There are instructional gardens on campus which are used to teach life sciences. Every classroom and the school library are connected through a high-speed fiber optic data network. Professional development for teachers focuses on best practices in Mathematics, Science and Technology instruction.

In 2007 Vintage Magnet became a NASA Explorer School and entered into a partnership with NASA Dryden Flight Research Center in Mojave, California. We continue to use this relationship with NASA to enrich our STEM instruction. 

In addition to a focus on math and science, Vintage places a high priority on student behavior and character development.   The school is organized around a well structured and disciplined environment conducive to learning and achievement.  Students are expected to comply with our Required Dress Code, School Discipline Plan, Homework Policy and school rules.

Homework is assigned daily and reinforces the classroom instructional program.  Students are held accountable for doing quality class work and homework.

School Accountability Report Card

Each year the California Department of Education issues a report card for every public school.  The report card is called the School Accountability Report Card (SARC). This report card summarize many aspects of a school.

The Vintage SARC can be found here:

Academic Awards and Scores

Title 1 Academic Achievement Award for 2013. This is an amazing accomplishment considering that only 56 school out of more than 9,000 public schools in the State of California met the criteria for 2013 award. That puts Vintage in a special catergory of schools which includes less than 1% of schools in the state.  This award is given to schools that have raised the achievement level of their economically disadvantaged students during the past two years. 

According to the California Department of Education: "The criteria to qualify for the Title I award have become more rigorous in recent years. To receive this distinction, the school must demonstrate that all students are making significant progress toward proficiency on California's academic content standards. Additionally, the school's socioeconomically disadvantaged students must have doubled the achievement targets set for them for two consecutive years."
Vintage has received the TItle 1 Academic Award 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012

Academic Performance Index (API)  2013 - Our API score was 915. Vintage consistently scores above the state benchmark of 800.

California Distinguished School Award. for 2012 and 2006 which honors some of California's most exemplary and inspiring public schools. Schools selected for the Distinguished School Award demonstrate significant gains in narrowing the achievement gap.

Don't Miss These Video Highlights About Vintage

LAUSD Choices 2013 - Vintage Magnet


Vintage - A Hidden Gem

 LAUSD acknowledged Vintage Math, Science and Technology Magnet as a "gem hidden in plain sight."  Watch LAUSD's feature video and learn why.
Vimeo Video

Vision and Mission Statement

Our Vision at Vintage Math, Science, and Technology Magnet is to be a model of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education rooted in a culture of academic excellence and appreciation for the critical role that diversity plays in nurturing creativity, innovation and collaboration among students.  Literacy and communication skills are an equal priority given that they are indispensable for success in the 21st century STEM workplace. Vintage students will acquire the prerequisite skills necessary to continue their school career to become college prepared and career ready.
Upon culmination from Vintage Magnet all students will be proficient in grade level standards and apply them in meaningful ways aligned with national expectations defined in the Common Core Standards. Central to this work is inspiring underrepresented groups of students to pursue their interests in STEM disciplines through an experience based constructivist approach that engages students in inquiry, critical thinking and collaborative problem solving. We provide students with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics learning in a real world context through partnerships with local and national STEM businesses and organizations. Through these experiences students will become information and media literate and will learn to apply technology effectively.
Vintage Magnet School is committed to providing a positive and welcoming school environment that embraces kindness, respect and citizenship among students, staff and community members. This includes actively and authentically seeking parent participation in their children’s educational success through school governance, regular communication between parents and teachers and community building events. As a magnet we consider the cultural, ethnic and socio-economic diversity of our school community a strength as well as an opportunity to prepare Vintage students to compete in a 21st century global environment.


Educational Philosophy

Vintage Magnet is dedicated to the principle that cultural, ethnic, socio-economic and geographical diversity within our student body fosters greater breadth and depth in the educational experience of all students. Students are united by a common interest in Math, Science and Technology, while at the same time contribute unique perspectives related to the diverse backgrounds from which they come.  In this way, Vintage provides a model for students, which will serve them well in the increasingly diverse but connected world.

The school works very hard to promote a culture of tolerance and student collaboration. To this end, high standards of student behavior are maintained to insure that every student who comes to Vintage is guaranteed a safe and organized environment, which supports student learning.  The school maintains a uniform policy and has clearly established rules and procedures for students to follow on campus.  These policies create a community that is focused on the common goal of academic achievement and diminishes the negative influences of many outside social forces, which seek to accentuate the differences between social, cultural and ethnic groups.School Vision: Preparing Students for the 21st Century

Our vision at VINTAGE MAGNET is to provide our children with a strong foundation and understanding in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and math), and the ability to work in a culturally and ethnically diverse environment.  This will provide them with the necessary tools to face the challenges and navigate through the 21st century successfully. Vintage Magnet provides a rigorous academic program based on the California State Standards.