About » School Policies and Procedures

School Policies and Procedures


Absences, Tardies, Early Pickup 
Absent Students - Requesting Assignments   
Birthday Celebrations  
Cell Phones  
Dress Code  
Dropping Off and Picking Up  
Electronic Devices - Game Boys, DS, Ipods, etc.
Emergency Cards 
Forgotten Items   
Health Office
Meal Applications - Complete Online Here
Phone Calls  
Picking Students up Early  
Transportation - Private Vehicles Traffic Patterns
Visitors & Volunteers (Non-employees on campus)

Absences & Tardies:

If your child is absent, please call the office and let us know why your child is out. 

If your child is tardy, please check in with the office and get a tardy slip .

If you pick up your child early from school, your child will be marked as an early out and will not be considered for perfect attendance. 

If your child is absent or tardy, you will receive an automatic phone call. You will receive this phone call even if you have called us to let us know why your child is out.

Absent Students - Requesting Assignments

Homework requests must be made by 10:00AM and will be available after school. Requested homework must be picked up from the office by 4:30PM. 

Remember, your child will be able to make up any missing work from an absence. Please do not request homework if you are not able to come and pick it up. 

We do not fax homework.

Birthday Celebrations

We do not allow birthday celebrations in the classroom for several reasons. 

Many students have food allergies on campus.  It is not possible for staff to insure that outside treats are safe for all students.  
Some families in our school community do not celebrate birthdays as part of their religious beliefs.

Birthday celebrations for every student in a classroom would take an unreasonable amount of instructional time over the course of the year.

Out of consideration for these issues, please arrange your celebrations for at home.

Bus Transportation

Transportation is provided for students if they reside outside of a two mile radius of the school and within the Los Angeles Unified School District boundaries. Transportation is paid for by the Los Angeles Unified School District. Bus routes and stop times are sent to parents from the Transportation Branch the week before school begins in August. Bus stops are at various locations in neighborhoods such as LAUSD elementary schools. Routes are based on the address information provided during registration. If you are interested in changing location of bus pick-up or drop-off to a place other than your home address you need to contact the Transportation Branch.

LAUSD has a safe drop policy. Drivers do not leave students (up to second grade) at bus stops unless an adult is present to recieve them.

Any change to a student's regular bus riding plan must be made in writing to the office.

If you have any problems with bus transportation for your child, please call the bus supervisor, Ms. Cathy Bolton at (818) 893-4687.  If the problem is an emergency, call Dispatch at 1-800-LA-Buses (1-800-522-8737).  You will need to provide them with your child's bus route number.

Cell Phones and Smart Watches

Students may use cell phones and smart watches before school and after school. Cell phones and smart watches must be turned off and in their backpack during the school day. If they use their phone or smart watch during the school day, it will be taken away and you will need to come and pick it up. The school will not investigate lost, stolen or broken phones or smart watches.

Dress Code

Students are expected to be in dress code everyday unless otherwise specified. The dress code is navy blue and white. Your child may also wear any of the Vintage Logowear or NASA wear. Shoes may be any color. No sandals or open-toed shoes allowed.

Dropping Off and Picking Up

It is important that you follow the traffic patterns if you are picking up or dropping off your child. It is for both you and your child’s safety. Click here for traffic patterns and for detailed information (including a video that all parents should know if dropping off or picking up).

Also, there is no supervision for your child until 7:45 AM.  After school, YS and YDP programs end at 6:00 PM. Please do not drop off your child before 7:45 AM or pick up your child late. It could be considered child endangerment. 

All 2nd—5th grade students who are not picked up by the time the gates are closed, will be sent to the playground. Please do not ask your child to wait somewhere else. Students must be in view of the afterschool yard personnel at all times. 

Kindergarten and 1st grade students who are not picked up by the time the gates close, will be brought to the office and you will be called to come get them. 

Electronic Devices - Game Boys, DS, iPods, etc.

They are not allowed on campus. The school will not investigate if they are lost, stolen or broken.

Emergency Cards

Every child must have a emergency card on file at school. It must have up to date phone numbers with people who can come and pick up your child if you are unavailable. 

It is important that you update any phone numbers or address changes. This is especially important when it comes to who we can release your child to in the case of an emergency such as earthquake, etc. 

Click here to fill out a new emergency card online. You can type on it and print it and send it in with your child. If you have a change of address, please submit a new proof of address (such as DWP or gas bill). If you have any questions, please call the office. 

Forgotten Items

If your child forgot something at home (lunch money, homework, etc.) bring it to the office and we will have it delivered to the classroom. Never go directly to the classroom. 

Items will be delivered before recess. We do not disturb the classrooms during the first two hours of class. Lost and Found is located behind the Science Lab and is cleaned out monthly. Label your child’s items.

Health Office

Medication at School*
A student who needs to take medication during school hours must have the following:
1. A doctor’s note  and written permission from the parent/guardian before medication is taken (forms available in Office)
2. ALL medications must be in original containers (to be left at school)
3. Only adults may carry medications to school

* Aspirins, Tylenol, inhalers for Asthma, cough drops, ointments, antacids (Tums, Rolaids), etc. are considered medication and may not be taken at school without a doctor's note.
Returning to School After Illness or Injury

A student returning to school with bandages, ace bandages, stitches, splints, casts, crutches, leg brace(s), a wheelchair, etc. must:

1. Have a doctor’s note before returning to school stating: 
  • date student may return
  • restrictions
  • date restrictions are released
  • comply with any safety procedures required by the school administration and Health Services personnel

2. Sit on the Health Bench during play time
A student must have a doctor’s note when returning to school following:
  • a serious or prolonged illness (5 or more school days)
  • an injury
  • surgery
  • other hospitalization
  • conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • strep throat
If Your Child Gets Sick at School 

It’s a must that we have up-to-date emergency information on file including the names and phone numbers of people who can drive to pick up your child when you are unavailable.

If your child becomes ill or injured at school, he/she will need to be picked up promptly (within the hour).

If your child is sent home with a fever vomiting or diarrhea, OR is complaining of a fever, sore throat, bad cough, pink eye, stomach ache, etc., please keep him/her at home with plenty of bed rest.

We have a School Nurse only one day each week.  Office personnel do not have special medical training and are restricted to administering minor first aid.  They can not give treatment, diagnose or make decisions regarding illnesses, contagious diseases, medications or possible sprains/fractures.  Please do not ask them to do this.

We would appreciate your cooperation in helping us by following these simple procedures.


You will be receiving information either by flyers or via our website.   We are constantly updating our website with current information so check it often. Finally, you will receive information by phone and email. Please listen to the phone message before calling the school. Please be sure to have current phone numbers and email addresses on file. 

Meal Applications - Complete Online

Applications for free and reduced lunch are now being submitted online. Please follow the link below to complete an meal application for your child - https://www.applyforlunch.com/Home/PickDistrict.  We will have very few applications in the office. If you have not filed out an application your child will need to bring money or a lunch daily. Optionally, you may deposit money in your child's meal account by completing the information at https://www.mypaymentsplus.com website. If you have any questions, please call the office.


The office does not open until 7:30AM. No students may be dropped off in the office at that time. Supervision for students starts at 7:45AM. 

Students may not sit in the Office after-school while waiting to be picked up. The Office is limited on space, busy and the staff cannot watch theses students. 

Phone Calls

We do not call children out of class to the phone. If you need to get a message to your child, leave a message and we will have it delivered to the classroom.

Picking Students Up Early

If you need to pick your child up before the end of school, send a note to the teacher so they can have them packed up and ready when you come. Give yourself enough time to come to the office and fill out the sign out sheet and for us to call the classroom. We do not have children waiting in the office for you to come. 

Visitors & Volunteers Policy

At Vintage Magnet:
  1. Parent volunteers must sign in and pick up a volunteer badge in the main office. once cleared by the District (see Guidelines below).  Also, a volunteer must sign out and turn in their volunteer badge in the main office.
  2. For the safety of all staff and students; babies, toddlers and non-Vintage students should remain at home while their parents are on campus volunteering or serving in a leadership capacity.

LAUSD  (and Vintage Magnet) Volunteer Policy Guidelines

Online Application- to be submitted by prospective volunteer

Any person interested in participating in a school’s volunteer program, including continuing volunteers, LAUSD employees, community members and interns, must complete the online volunteer application on the School Volunteer Management System.  A volunteer can access the online registration process and application at https://volunteerapp.lausd.net
If a person does not have access to the necessary technology to complete the online volunteer application, the school may designate an employee to assist in completing and submitting the online application on the person’s behalf. Volunteers serving at more than one LAUSD school must have a completed online application, printed and signed, for each school before they can begin service.
Once on the registration site, the prospective volunteers will be required to enter their names and valid email accounts. The prospective volunteer will receive email notification to complete the registration process, including the creation of an account password.
Once the online volunteer application is completed, it should then be submitted electronically.  Both the application and Volunteer Commitment Form should be printed, signed and delivered to the principal or the principal’s designee.
A volunteer for a single event that takes place for the duration of one day only does not need to submit an application but must be checked by a school administrator against the California Megan’s Law online database at http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov.
Online Application Review – submitted by the school
The school must review (ensure required fields are completed) and submit the online application for all individuals applying to become certified volunteers.  The school principal must confirm and verify that the volunteer has met all requirements, including:
  • Online application, printed and signed
  • Signed Volunteer Commitment Form
  • Megan’s Law clearance
  • Tuberculosis test clearance
  • Fingerprinting (when applicable)

Additional Guidelines

  • The principal or certificated designee must review and approve each volunteer application by logging into the School Volunteer Management System and checking the appropriate boxes.
  • The principal and/or designee must indicate the following:
    • Where the volunteer will be assigned
    • The type of supervision required
    • How many hours the person will serve on a weekly basis
  • The online application, printed and signed, must be kept on file at the school for five years.
  • School volunteers are required to sign in at the school office upon entering the campus and sign out when they exit the campus. Schools must require volunteers to leave their volunteer badges at the school when not in use.
  • The principal, the principal’s administrative designee, or other assigned staff must submit the application by logging in to the School Volunteer Management System using their employee single sign-on (SSO) account and verify all clearances/requirements have been met. District approved staff include:
      • Assistant Principals
      • English Learner Designees
      • Categorical Programs Advisors
      • School Administrative Assistants
      • Community Representative
      • Parent Resource Liaison
      • Parent Resource Assistant
  • No person may provide volunteer service until all necessary clearances are verified by the school principal, the volunteer has signed a copy of the online application and the Volunteer Commitment Forms, and a volunteer badge is issued by the Parent Community Student Services Branch. The badges are sent to the school for school personnel to distribute to volunteers. 
  • Once a person receives the volunteer badge, the volunteer is approved to provide services at that specific school.

Additional Considerations

All parents/guardians fall under the requirements of Policy Bulletin 6542.0 and have the right to volunteer for the school.


  • Request an appointment for a visitation date and time from the office staff after entering the school office.                     
  • Appointments may be scheduled for the same day and should be scheduled for date and time requested if possible       
  • Complete a visitor’s permit and obtain the principal/designee’s approval before proceeding to the classroom. 
  • Sign in the Visitors On Campus Log Roster in the main office.
  • Determine the classroom activity you are observing and keep the classroom observation time and frequency reasonable.                   
  • Follow the school’s established procedures for scheduling an appointment with the teacher(s) and/or principal/designee after the classroom visit, if needed.
  • If an appointment is requested, please write a request for an appointment with a staff member and, if possible, give the date and time for the scheduled appointment.                   
  • Return the visitor’s permit to the school office before leaving the campus and sign out before leaving the campus.


  • Enter and leave the classroom as quietly as possible.
  • Do not converse with the students, teacher, and/or instructional assistants during the visitation.
  • Do not interfere with any school activity during the visitation.


  • Solicitar una cita para una fecha y hora de visita del personal de la oficina después de entrar en la oficina de la escuela.
  • Las citas pueden ser programadas para el mismo día y deben ser programadas para la fecha y hora solicitadas, si es posible.
  • Completar un permiso de visitante y obtener la aprobación del director / designado antes de proceder a la clase.
  • El visitante firma en el registro de los visitantes del plantel en la oficina principal.
  • Determinar la actividad de la clase que esté observando y mantenga el tiempo y la frecuencia de observación del salón razonable.
  • Seguir los procedimientos establecidos por la escuela para programar una cita con el (los) maestro (s) y / o directora / designado después de la visita de la clase, si es necesario.
  • Si se solicita una cita, escribir una solicitud de cita con un miembro del personal y, si es posible, indicar la fecha y la hora deseada.
  • Devolver el permiso de visitante a la oficina de la escuela y firmar antes de salir del plantel.


  • Entre y salga del salón lo más silenciosamente posible.
  • No converse con los estudiantes, maestros y / o asistentes de instrucción durante la visita.
  • No interfiere con ninguna actividad escolar durante la visita.